
  1. Be respectful and patient.

  2. 18+ only please.

  3. Please message me OOC first if you'd like to RP.

  4. Para RP preferred.

  5. Lore-bending is okay; completely lore-breaking is not really my thing.

  6. Not looking for romance. Character is happily married.

  7. Mare upon request.


  • I'm 33, they/them preferred, employed full-time, and living on the east coast USA with my wonderful partner and our orange, fluffy overlord, Tiger.

  • I'm relatively new to RP in any verse, so please be kind!

  • Happy to help with in-game content if I have the time as well!


  • Birthname: Lucien Haurtefert

  • Race: Duskwight

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 30

  • Birth Place: South Shroud

  • Currently Living In: Mist

  • Occupation: Florist/Shopkeeper

  • Relationship Status: Married


  • Likes: Pale/spring colors, gardening, baking, giving gifts, exploring new places, fishing

  • Dislikes: Elaborate clothes/dress (on himself), too much attention, procrastinating, dishonesty


Good-natured, kind, and polite. A bit shy. Rarely gets angry about anything, and very forgiving - there’s nothing to forgive. Optimistic, but tries to be pragmatic. Somewhat naive and uncultured.

Physical Appearance

  • Short, messy blonde hair

  • Pale blue eyes

  • Scruffy facial hair

  • Short-ish for an elezen, 197cm

  • Average fitness - slim build, muscles toned from day-to-day work

  • Symmetrical, surgical scars covering his body (intentional and consensual)

  • Brand on his left wrist of a willow tree and a flower

  • Wears rimless glasses - can't see distances

  • Simple dress, favoring pale colors

  • Usually wears metal hoop earrings, a necklace and wedding band

Skills / Talents

  • Good at floral arrangement, cake decorating, cooking, fishing

  • Bad at fighting, book-learning, planning ahead

Random Details

  • Overly forgiving towards others, overly critical of himself

  • Unable to use magic or sense aether

  • Has two cats, one black and one calico, the latter of which is blind and narcoleptic and was given to him as a gift



Lucien grew up very poor in the South Shroud. His parents were both duskwights, thus he lived outside of 'proper' civilization. When he was almost six years old, his father killed by a Wood Wailer, leaving just him, his newly born sister, and his newly widowed mother.Lucien’s mother raised his sister and him as best she could, teaching them to read and write when she wasn't busy foraging and making preserves. He and his mother often went without so that his little sister wouldn’t have to. Even so, his sister was always resentful of their poverty and eventually turned to thievery. In her teens, she fell in with a duskwight gang and aided them in their schemes, trying to be as ruthless as they were and scorning her mother and brother for being too meek. She’d become very conniving and manipulative, which Lucien realized, but, as his baby sister, he loved her anyway and would still offer her help if she needed.

Early Adulthood

Lucien left home for Limsa Lominsa when he was twenty, hoping to find work in a place where no one would discriminate against him, that he might help support his mother and sister back home. However, his mother passed away only two years later, and he didn't have much contact with his sister anymore, as she wanted nothing to do with him. Having grown up in a cavern, Lucien was not very fond of bright spaces, but it did leave him with an appreciation for flowers and greenery, as well as a desire to see and experience more of the world.On his own for the first time, Lucien took up various odd jobs that might bring in gil, before eventually being hired as a gardener for a nursery. Working with flowers was something he’d always had a natural talent for and enjoyed, spending many a day in the Shroud observing the ones growing in the wild, taking note of what helped them to thrive and what caused them to wilt, and, when he could, trying to cultivate them to be as full and vibrant as possible.The elderly wife of the nursery owner, a roegadyn, would always stop and chat with Lucien for a while each day, small talk about various hobbies, what she was up to, sometimes bringing him baked goods. Learning of his interest one day, she offered to teach Lucien how to bake and decorate pastries. This quickly became a favorite hobby, as his creations tended to make for good gifts to give to friends and loved ones. Lucien continued working at the nursery for a few years, and he had become quite close with both the owners, coming to view them as the grandparents he'd never had. They knew of his desire to one day start his own business, so, when one of the buildings they owned became available for lease, he was the first to hear about it. They let him rent the space for a very generous rate while he was just starting out, and he eventually bought the property.

Present Day

Thus, Lucien now runs a little shop, Lucien's Flowers & Gifts, where he sells floral arrangements and pastries decorated with floral motifs. It’s been fairly successful, and he lives very comfortably. Lucien married a Garlean man he'd encountered numerous times by chance and ended up bonding with. The two became near inseparable. They have a modest house in the Mist. Lucien enjoys fishing on the nearby beach in his spare time, as well as baking and cake decorating.



- Mother (deceased): Avriane Haurtefert (maiden name Avriane Rillemont) - long blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a kind, tired disposition. After her husband died, she spent most of her time tending to a local Mun-Tuy pressing cellar for a pittance. Once he was old enough, Lucien would try to help her out as much as he could and would provide her with fresh fish to cook nearly every day, until he was old enough to learn to cook himself. He saw his mother was often stressed and tried to ease that by being helpful and obedient.
- Father (deceased): Irault Haurtefert - dark hair, slightly darker and greyer skin, and a sort of rough, unkempt appearance. He was usually gone most of the day, "working", so, even before he died, Lucien didn't see much of him. But they did have a good relationship, and he did love his wife and son - he was just absent most of the time. Lucien's father would take him fishing with him some mornings (though seldom), but Lucien, being too little, had no interest and played with rocks near the shore instead. It was only later that he learned to enjoy fishing, and part of the reason he started was to reconnect with his father in some way.
- Younger Sister (estranged): Lisette Haurtefert - Slim build, short blond hair, scornful blue eyes. Lucien's sister was and is very stubborn and easily angered (though her temper has died down a bit as she aged, and her anger is a bit colder as an adult). As a teenager, like many teens, she thought she was much smarter than she was, and followed her father's footsteps in joining a gang of thieving duskwights. As an adult, she wants nothing to do with Lucien and has ignored any attempts he's made to contact her.
- Uncle (deceased): Lucaux Rillemont - Lucien and Lisette were both loosely named after their uncle on their mother's side, though they were never very close with him. He always seemed like a nice enough person to Lucien, but he had his own family and financial problems to deal with. He and his wife died during the calamity.
- Younger Cousin (estranged): Vallerin Rillemont - Three years younger than Lucien and troublesome as a child when Lucien knew him. He would always tease Lucien for being poor, and take advantage of his trusting nature by playing mean tricks on him, trying to burn him with his magic. He started a large magical fire in the Twelveswood once, angering the elementals, and his parents set him away for his own safety. Lucien hasn't heard from him since, though he's by now forgiven him, assuming that Vallerin's grown up since then (he hasn't).


- Benefactors: Lucien remains close with the friendly roegadyn couple he worked for when he was first starting out. He still visits them for meals every once in a while and brings them some of his creations on occasion.
- Employees: Only two people are in Lucien's employ right now: one who helps out in the greenhouse, and one who helps out in the store. He gets along with both of them fairly well, though he's careful to keep the relationships professional.
- Friends: Lucien has met a lot of interesting people since moving to Limsa, and he's proud to call many of them friends. He likes trying to learn about others' interests so he can send them better gifts. As a child growing up very poor, Lucien didn't have much to give, and no one his age to give anything to even if he did. Thus, as an adult, he delights in being able to give people "real" gifts that might bring them some small amount of joy.


- First Love: Lucien's first serious relationship was with a wildwood elezen named Savel he met around the time he first arrived in Limsa. He was the first person who'd ever really shown any romantic interest in Lucien - at least, that Lucien had picked up on. They dated for a bit over two years. Savel came from a wealthy family and had expensive tastes, but he had no employment or wealth of his own. He was usually sarcastic and irritable. Lucien really tried to keep him happy as best he could, but Savel had the sort of personality where he was never happy with anything - nothing Lucien did was ever enough. Lucien knew he was being taken advantage of but let it continue anyway, being too much of an optimist and in love. Very eventually, however, he realized that nothing was ever going to change. So he left, and he hasn't heard from or about Savel since.
- Marriage: About a year ago, a tall, older Garlean man, Rainier lux Arborius, happened to wander into Lucien's shop, under the pretext of shopping for funeral flowers. He actually wanted to buy out Lucien's flower shop, as he was in the habit of acquiring local businesses and it was in a good location, but Lucien's gentle, naïve, trusting nature appealed to him and captivated him somehow. He came back several times, and eventually began courting Lucien with small gifts and other little overtures. Lucien was and is fiercely independent, and accepting gifts from others, ironically, doesn't come naturally. He always tried to reciprocate by giving something in return - a freshly baked rolanberry tart, a bouquet of flowers, anything on hand he thought the other might like. He quickly learned that Rainier was very intelligent, seemed to have disdain for most people, and could be exceptionally cruel - but never towards Lucien. Lucien discovered early on that the man had become very protective of him, holding him, inexplicably, in higher regard than he seemed to hold everyone else. He went out of his way to ensure Lucien's comfort and safety, which was something Lucien couldn't remember experiencing before. And eventually the trust that was so freely given had been earned. The two went on frequent outings and grew quite close; they found they were very compatible, despite being so different. They eventually married and now have two coeurl kittens, an adventurous black one called Ash and a curious calico one with no eyes called Ivy.


Flowers & Gifts COMMON

Do you need a gift for a special anniversary or nameday, or perhaps just because? Lucien sells a variety of seasonal floral arrangements at his shop, Lucien's Flowers & Gifts, alongside an assortment of flowery gift cakes he decorates himself. If these don't pique your interest, he delights in trying to puzzle out the best gift to give a person and would welcome the challenge.

Limsa Lominsa COMMON

Being a Limsan native, Lucien likes to explore the city and its surroundings in his spare time (usually looking for good places to fish). Perhaps he's chanced upon your shop, or you've seen him passing by and would like a word.

Shroud-Ties UNCOMMON

Lucien grew up in the South Shroud, and he remembers what it was like before the calamity, though he hasn't been back much since. If you've spent time in the Shroud and have witnessed how it's changed, he'd be interested to hear about your experiences!

Eorzean History UNCOMMON

One thing Lucien loves is learning about the history of the city-states, especially geographical and political history. Growing up without a formal education, and not being a very adept or avid reader, his knowledge is admittedly very limited. If you have any interesting anecdotes or special insights, he'd be keen to learn more.